Tuesday, February 5, 2008


It's super Tuesday and like P.Diddy says, it's time to vote or die. I'm choosing not to vote today, Why? Because I'd rather die than vote for anyone who's running in this primary. First, the Democrats have no stand outs, Monica Lewinsky's ex-boyfriend's wife Hillary has too much baggage and Obama has too little experience. Yo Hillary, what do you have to say to the youth? "We have a lot of kids who don't know what works means. They think work is a four-letter word." I think it's a four letter word too, you know what - it turns out it actually is. Hey, I think you're a huge C-Word, how many letters is that? McCain is senile and if you peeled that band-aid that's always on his damn head off, his mushy brain would ooze right out. Too late psychopath.

And is it just me or is George Bush the worst president that we've ever had? He is right? Which makes it all the more confusing why his son, George W. Bush is the best president we've ever had. Go figure.

Puffy, what should we do with these new candidates?

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